Who Am I (11)? Centered and Lost

Chastity and lust are words that stir up a reaction. When I keep my inner focus on what I treasure, it’s best for me–and others.

Chastity, South Porch by Jill K H Geoffrion
Chastity holding a palm frond and a shield with a Pheonix

My Prayer:

May my mind honor you. May the pleasure it experiences be pure.

Lust, South Porch by Jill K H Geoffrion
Lust: The man’s bag of money at his waist implies the nature of the encounter

Scriptural Touchstones: 

Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8 (NRSV)

Temperance Lust North Porch by Jill K H Geoffrion
Temperance, holding a dove. Lust is at her feet.

Invitation To Pray:

 What prayers are emerging in your body, mind, heart, and imagination? Pray them now.


Virtues & Vices, North Porch by Jill K H Geoffrion

Temperance and Lust found on the third voussoir of the east bay of the north porch at the Chartres Cathedral in France. These statues, carved between 1194-1230, are fourth from the bottom on the right.

Chastity and Lust on the south porch are found on the west side of a pillar of the west portal. They are the top two sculptures on the south face of the second pillar to the right as one faces the portal. They were also carved between 1194-1230.

Other posts in this series that seeks to explore the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi: Who are God? And who am I?

Anslem’s Spiritual Beatitudes:
Who Am I? (The Virtues and the Vices: 1)
Who Am I? (2) Beautiful
Who Am I? (3) Free!
Who Am I? (4) Honorable
Who Am I? (5) Joyful in the Deepest Sense of the Word
Who Am I? (6) Sensual
Who Am I? (7) Agile
Who Am I? (8) Strong
The Virtues and the Vices (Medieval Sculptures):
Who Am I? (9) Faithful and Unfaithful
Who Am I? (10) Hopeful and Despairing
Who Am I? (11) Giving and Greedy

Jill K H Geoffrion

Serving as a contemplative Christian minister and artist by compassionately and creatively inspiring others to seek a deeper relationship with God and a more meaningful life of service.