The Chartres Labyrinth and Mary (34) North Clerestory Rose

We walk the labyrinth under this image of holy gestation. As I look up to it, I ask God to infuse all that I create with the Holy Spirit (the six doves who are sending red light that encircles Jesus in the womb) so that it will be a great blessing to others (just as Christ is blessing with his right hand).

My prayer

Spirit of the Living God, may thank you for the joy of co-creating with You.

Biblical touchstones

The spirit of the LORD shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. Isaiah 2:2  NRSV

This window is a visualization of this text from Isaiah.

Invitation to prayer

Mary holding Jesus in her womb. North Clerestory Rose by Jill K H Geoffrion

Raise your right hand. Make a mental or physical connection with whatever is growing within you. What prayers are emerging in your heart, mind, body, and imagination? Pray them now.

Photo and placement of this image in relationship to the labyrinth

Mary holding Jesus within her womb. It is being infused by six red lines extending from the mouths of six doves. This thirteenth century image (1205-1215) is found above the labyrinth on the northern side of the cathedral. It is currently being restored.

Related Posts: Other Images of Mary Visible from the Labyrinth in the Chartres Cathedral

To the east of the labyrinth:
The apsidal image of Mary as a throne for Jesus who is sitting on her lap blessing on the top of the East central window (above the choir).
The Annunciation of Jesus’ birth to Mary in the East central window (above the choir).
The Visitation of Mary and her cousin Elizabeth in the East central window (above the choir).

To the west of the labyrinth:
Mary in the Tree of Jesse (Ancestors of Jesus). Twelfth century window (1140-1150) on the north side of the west wall.

The Annunciation in The Life of Christ Window. Twelfth century window (1145-1155), the central window on the west wall.
The Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth in the Life of Christ Window.
The Nativity: Mary, Jesus and Joseph in the Life of Christ Window.
The Kings Visit Jesus and Mary in the life of Christ Window.
The Flight Into Egypt: Mary, Jesus and Joseph in the Life of Christ Window
The Return from Egypt: The Holy Family in the Life of Christ Window
Jesus blessing while sitting on Mary’s Lap in the Life of Christ Window

Mary standing below the cross of Jesus in the Passion and Resurrection Window (1145-1155), on the south side of the west wall.
Mary holding Jesus’ hands as his body is taken off the cross in the Passion and Resurrection Window.
Mary watching the anointing and entombment of Jesus in the Passion and Resurrection Window.

To the south of the labyrinth:

Nursing Mary and Jesus in a clerestory window (1205-1215) above the labyrinth.
Mary holding Jesus, a sculpture on the fifteenth century organ above the south nave.
The symbolic “shirt of Mary” on the Bishop’s pulpit (south side of the nave) above the labyrinth.
The flight from Israel to Egypt in the St. John window in the south aisle.

Mary’s death as witnessed by the mourning disciples. The death and glorification of Mary window (1205-1215) in the south aisle.
Mary’s soul being received by Jesus. The death and glorification of Mary window.
Mary’s casket being carried by the disciples to its resting place. The death and glorification of Mary window.
The entombment of Mary’s body by the disciples. The death and glorification of Mary window.
The assumption of Mary into Heaven. The death and glorification of Mary Window.
The crowning of Mary. The death and glorification of Mary window.

Mary’s coronation. The Vendôme Chapel window (1415) in the south aisle.
Mary with other mourners near the cross of Jesus. The Vendôme Chapel window.
Mary honoring Christ at the end of time. The Vendôme Chapel window.

Statue of Mary with Jesus on her lap. The Miracles of Mary window (1205-1215) in the south aisle.
Mary with Jesus on her lap (2). The Miracles of Mary window.
Mary and Theophilus, Mary and the Devil. The Miracles of Mary window.
Mary Throne with Jesus on her lap. Near the top of the Miracles of Mary window.

To the north of the labyrinth:

Mary Throne with two donors praying on either side. North clerestory rose (1210-25)

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