Darkness and Light

There is beauty in darkness. There is beauty in light. There is astounding beauty in the commingling of darkness and light.


My prayer response:

God, Thank You for the lovely complexity of creation—and life.


Biblical touchstones:

  • Look at the heavens and see; observe the clouds, which are higher than you.
    Job 35:5
  • For your steadfast love, God, is as high as the heavens; your faithfulness extends to the clouds. Psalm 57:10
  • If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light around me become night,” even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is as bright as the day, for darkness is as light to you. Psalm 139:11


Invitation to prayer:
What prayers are emerging from your heart, mind, and body? Pray them now. Let them lead you where you need to go.


Photo: Clouds and sky above the Plata River near Montevideo, Uruguay



  • “How clearly the sky reveals God’s glory…No speech or words are used, no sound is heard; yet their message goes out to all the world and is heard to the ends of the earth…” Psalms 19

    I love skies. Christ whose glory fills the skies!

    Kathy Crane


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