The Creation of Eve

What was Eve aware of first? The touch of creation, the pull of the midwife, the blessing of life all happened in an instant. She experienced them all in her body.

My prayer

For my body with which I experience all of life, including my relationship with You, my loving Creator, I give thanks.

Biblical touchstones

…for the man there was not found a helper as his partner. So God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then God took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called Woman, for out of Man this one was taken.” Genesis 2:20-23

Invitation to prayer

In your mind, heart or body connect with either Eve or God as depicted in these sculptures.

God creating Eve, Chartres

How are your emotions, thoughts, and senses inspiring you to pray?

The creation of Eve as depicted by thirteenth century sculptors. The outer left voussoir of the central bay of the north porch at the Chartres Cathedral in France.

Related posts on the creation sculptures at the Chartres Cathedral

The Animals, Fish, and Birds of the Garden of Eden

God Creates Humanity (Day 6 of Creation at Chartres)

Adam, Safe and Securely Created (Day 6 of Creation at Chartres)

God Loving Adam into Being (Day 6 of Creation at Chartres)

Animal Connections (Day 6 of Creation at Chartres)

The Garden of Eden

God Creating the Garden of Eden

The Animals Created by God (Day 6 of Creation at Chartres)

God Creating the Animals (Day 6 of Creation at Chartres)

God Imagining Humanity (Day 5 of Creation at Chartres)

Imagining Humanity and Creating the Bird and Fish (Day 5 of Creation at Chartres)

The Sun and the Moon (Day 4 of Creation at Chartres)

God Creating the Sun and Moon (Day 4 of Creation at Chartres)

Vegetation (Day 3 of Creation at Chartres)

Creation Plants and Trees

The Firmament

Envisioning Creation

Night and Day

Deep Consideration

Heaven and Earth

In the beginning, God created…



The God of Creation

Creation: Part 2

The Fall of Humanity